
Ratings are out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Disaster Movie

Rating: 4 Stars

I have to say that this was much better than Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans. It was much more amusing and a lot better than I expected. Spoofing Indian Jones, Hellboy, Iron Man, the Hulk, Head-On (you know that "apply directly to your forehead" comerical), Batman, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Love Guru, and dating Matt Damon. It's fun to watch if you don't mind spoofs. Definitely stay away if you hate spoofs. But nothing will ever live up to the Scary Movies, which I guess, aren't so scary really.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Star Wars Clone Wars

Rating: Photobucket

Stars Wars: The Clone Wars is probably the worst Star Wars movie ever. I felt like someone had wrote a FanFiction that people decided to make into a movie.

It was disappointing. I expected better from a Star Wars movie. And what's up without John Williams soundtrack? Watching it was painful when "master" was uttered every other line. Maybe Anakin Skywalker was slightly amusing with his sarcasm, but that's about it.

I personally liked how Rex had that Australian accent. The clone troopers were interesting, yet the droids were highly annoying with their stupidness.

Perhaps this is good to entertain little kids. But it was amazingly bad that it was amusing, but really, it's just something that should have been put on TV. Not worth all the popcorn, soda, and ticket prices.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Rating: Photobucket

Voxtrot is one of those really great not yet quite discovered bands. They have their self titled album along with two EPs called Your Biggest Fan EP and Raised By Wolves EP. It's actually probably one of the best undiscovered bands out there and is also considered Indie Rock because the man who put that band together and also lead singer is Indian.

This band hails from Austin, Texas with lyrics that have real meaning and have to do with more than love and heartbreak. It's not your typical band and if they can get more noticed, they might just be the next big thing.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Rating: Four Stars

Upon the finishing of this book of genius, the first few chapters have already opened my eyes to atheism and how much good it would do. Richard Dawkins really knows how to grab the reader and tell them that religion is doing more destruction than good. He even goes on to tell the reader about being an atheist.

The book is probably one of the best non-fiction books I have read. It's very different and possible controversal, but also interesting and eye opening if you're willing to be open minded. While all you religious freaks oppose this book, it's really only that religion is corrupting our society. Richard Dawkins proves that very well.

Of course it is cleared up from the beginning that God cannot possibly exist for there is no scientific evidence or logical or rational proof. The Bible and all the other holy scriptures are pure fiction because those accounts of the scribes and writers are, alas, not accurate and biased on the religious believers minds.

So please, pick up the book and read it.

Bottom Line: I don't care what religion you are!!! Read it because it was totally worth all the money I was supposed to use to buy dinner with.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Dark Knight

Rating: Four Stars

If it weren't for Heath Ledger, I'd let the rating slide to three stars because over all, Aaron Eckhart and Christian Bale aren't exactly the best actors for this movie, but they do well enough to keep us entertained. Michael Caine again does a wonderful job, even though small, as Alfred, Bruce Wayne's reliable butler. Morgan Freeman, another small part, pretty much does his job well too.

The Dark Knight might be one of the best summer movies thanks to Heath Ledger. If another actor had played the Joker, the movie might not have done as well. There were parts I could have done without, and Batman in Hong Kong was almost hilarious and taken to a point where it wasn't serious anymore.

Overall, if it weren't for the action, Ledger, the whole Harvey Dent fiasco, and the interesting story line, this movie would be a disaster because of its other poor choices for actors to play its well planned characters.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Brother's Keeper by Patricia McCormick

Rating: 3 Stars

Okay, this isn't the best book ever, but for Patricia McCormick's second book, it's decent and an interesting read. I feel that there needs to be more development, and I think that's McCormick's flaws in this book and also a book she wrote titled Cut. I believe McCormick is still learning the ropes to writing novels, and she's on the way. I'm confident if she writes another book, it will be better than My Brother's Keeper and Cut.

This book is about a boy who is covering up his brother's drug abuse. It could be a lot better if there had been more development, like I said before. It lacks a lot of stuff. I feel like I could go and build off of what she already wrote.

But the story plot is interesting, and realistic enough to keep a reader interested. It's a quick read, only took me a couple of hours. If you like Cut, then you'll enjoy this.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Project 17 by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Rating: 3 Stars

The plot itself is interesting. A group of highschoolers going to an abandoned asylum in Danvers, MA. It's supposedly haunted and one of the kids wants to make a documentary before the place is demolished. They end up growing closer to each other, forming new relationships and what now.

The writing is excellent with the different point of views of each of the main characters. While there are swear words, they come in at just the perfect time, adding that sense of realistic teenage rebel. There are a couple of inconsistencies, but they are not important as the plot comes to a pretty good ending, leaving a mystery like Danvers State Hospital (the asylum) itself.